August 05, 2011

Revenant Cavalry Regiment Review

Recently I've bought 2 Revenant Cavalry Regiments to make two units of 10 Revenant Knights in my Elite Undead Army. I'm impresed with quality of those models. Plastic-resin is really good material for miniatures. I wish Mantic produce all it's minis made of that material. It's light and very hard (harder than GW's finecasts or even Mantic plastics). I'm really exited about this units but I want to wait for some army upgrades from Mantic Skeleton Box to finish this units.
So here is what we have inside Revenant Cavalry Regiment Box:

- 9 Revenat Heads (2 different sculpts)
- 9 Revenat Arms with Lance (2 different sculpts, those same a little bit bended, but you can drown them in hot water and make them straight with ease)
- 9 Revenat Arms with Shield (2 different sculpts)
- 9 Revenat Bodies (2 different sculpts)
- 1 Musican Arm with Horn
- 1 Banner Arm
- 1 Revenant Champion Head
- 1 Revenant Champion Sword Arm
- 1 Revenant Champion Body (This are torso, legs, and arm with shield connected into one piece)
- 10 Horses (2 different sculpts, each is made from 2 parts)
- 10 Horse Bases (small bases, you glue horses to them and than to normal bases, they have some sculpted stuff like bones and rocks)
- 10 Cavalry Bases (2" x 1")

When I finish gluing them I'll post some scale comparison picture.

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